When your savings are not enough to pay utility bills or cope with some other expenses, there’s the need to think quickly. FastBucks is a lender that concentrates only on payday loans and strives to provide exceptional borrowing offers to its customers. It has a convenient online application system and lending plan based on a client’s needs. People who prefer to do everything through the Internet will definitely appreciate the speed of the company’s service and will be able to get all the perks of the web world. But in case you prefer personal contact and want to talk to a manager, FastBucks provides helpful alternatives to online options. Once you need a small sum for some personal purposes, you can obtain it here. Usually, people take from $ 100 to $ 500 and return the borrowed amount in a few days or weeks. This review contains info about loans and services provided by FastBucks. Read on to learn everything about this lender.
Requirements for Getting a Loan at FastBucks
It’s easy to take around $ 200 or another sum at FastBucks but a customer has to meet some of their demands:
- a client is obliged to have a stable job and regular income. His earnings can’t be less than $ 1200 every month;
- he must occupy a current position for around 3 months and longer;
- a client has to provide his current address and live there for no less than 3 months;
- a client has to prove that he has an active banking account he’s been using for over 3 months. His name should be on all the represented checks;
- he’ll need to use a fax machine. That’s why a client has to think of this detail;
- a paycheck amount has to be transferred to the applicant’s banking account;
- an applicant can’t be younger than 18 years old;
- a lender checks a loan history of a client and watches if he broke any rules.
These factors are essential for FastBucks and in case you keep all their conditions, it’s likely you’ll get the desired loan here. You have to prove that your salary amount is enough to cover the borrowed extra cash and can do it in the prescribed term. Once all these requirements are followed, you’re eligible for a loan at this lender.
How Does FastBucks Process Applications?
When FastBucks receives your request, a manager starts studying your documentation. It’s a serious process and the company’s team has to be sure you’re definitely eligible for a loan here. In around one hour, their manager will get in touch with you to discuss the details and ask some questions. After this, FastBucks representative will fax you their loan agreement. You have to study it and get acquainted with each detail. Only then you can sign this document and send it back via fax to FastBucks.
Notice that this lender doesn’t need to know everything about your credit score. They don’t provide any history checking and make it easy to get extra funds even if your report isn’t brilliant. But they still want to know some data connected with your other loans. That’s why they may check the info shared by other lending companies. Maybe, they will use Telecheck service.
Customers’ Information
It’s a safe place where you can confidently leave your personal information. FastBucks isn’t the kind of a company that gives access to customers’ data to other organizations. You won’t receive irritating advertising emails or phone calls.
Deposit Money
Everything depends on you because FastBucks will wait for the signed agreement. Once you’ve faxed it, be sure that it will deposit the money to your banking account in no longer term than 1 workday. But remember that only people who send an agreement by 2 PM can expect for the funds to be received the next day.
The fees of this company are rather affordable and there won’t be any surprises with them. A customer will pay $ 6 for every $ 100. But notice that the total amount you’ll have to pay back is determined according to the sum you borrow and money-return period.
Return the Money
You can choose several methods to repay the borrowed extra cash at FastBucks. The first way is connected with the chance to relax and do nothing because the lender will take the money from your banking account on the set date. In case you can’t repay the full sum on the prescribed day, it’s Ok for FastBucks to extend the payment. And the last method is a convenient one for people who have an opportunity to give cash back beforehand. The company doesn’t provide fees for early money-return procedure.
How to Apply for More or Offline at FastBucks?
New customers can borrow only $ 200 at FastBucks. And it’s not a problem if you don’t want or can’t apply via their website. They provide a free phone number you can call and order a loan: (877) 329 1604. They also have stores where a customer also can ask for extra cash. But offline applicants will have to meet other requirements than represented in this review.
Contact information
As a customer, you may have many questions connected with payday loans. The company’s support managers will help you with all their processes. That’s why they provide several methods of communication with their representatives. A customer can get in touch with FastBucks manager via phone or email.
Final Words FastBucks
FastBucks is a reliable company providing customers with quick money support. They have the chance to extend the cash-return period and that’s what many other lenders can’t offer. Besides, this company has 3 convenient methods to reach its services: online, by phone or local stores. Of course, it has specific requirements and an applicant must have a stable source of income. But the lender has to be confident that a customer will give the borrowed money back.